On Gratitude


I (this is Kate) woke up this morning feeling like this:

"Life is all rainbows and unicorns, puppy dogs and cinnamon rolls, yellow flowers, good beer, and bicycling down a big hill! The sun NEVER stops shining! This is the best DAY ever! After the best WEEKEND ever! In the best SEASON ever! Of my best YEAR EVER!!!"

Guys, on a Monday I woke up feeling like that. Before I had any coffee. That's serious.

It is undoubtedly an optimism and excitement that comes from you and I want to take a moment to share our deepest gratitude to all of you for everything you have done so far.

You have done big things and little. You have shared gifts, time, and stories with us. You have offered help with party or wedding planning and you have offered to help us move even before you knew there were 54 stairs between my apartment and the curb. You have been delighted to hear the beginning chapters of our little love story, and I am delighted to tell you again and again and again. Most importantly, you have loved us so completely throughout our lives and supported our every endeavor and we can feel that love and support now as we embark on a very great adventure together.

I was truly overwhelmed at the number of you who joined us on Saturday to celebrate our engagement. I am humbled that many of you traveled from Iowa, South Dakota, and Wisconsin to celebrate with us.

A huge thank you to my big sister, Kim, and her husband, Erik, who opened their beautiful home to so many people, prepared delicious food, and hosted a perfect party that allowed Aaron and I to spend time with our family and friends. What a spectacular event held by the host and hostess with the most and mostest.

A big thanks to everyone who also helped with the party- from sharing a plate of food, lending us some folding chairs, washing dishes, to bringing coolers of beer- your contribution did not go unnoticed and you are so greatly appreciated.

To our parents and family, there are almost no words great enough. You loved us first and as our lives change there is a great security and stability in that kind of love. We could not do any of this without your guidance and we are so appreciative of all that you have done for us.

Life is rainbows and unicorns, puppy dogs and cinnamon rolls. Thank you all so much for being a part of our lives and we look forward to creating many more memories with each of you!

To every single one of you from every bit of us, thank you and we love you.

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