Chapter 2 - Since They Haven't Planned Anything, I'll Pick Up the Slack

Editor's Note - Today's post is courtesy of frequent guest blogger Basil the greyhound.

Good morning everyone,

Ostensibly, I'm told that this blog's intent is to provide updates and information of the upcoming nuptials of my housemates, Aaron and Kate.  However, it doesn't appear to me that they have planned much of anything, unless you count their frequent discussions beginning with "we should really start planning our wedding," or the time spent googling pictures of people on bikes.  Given this remarkable lack of progress, I have volunteered to, once again, pick up their slack and provide an update on the house activities.  

If you recall, at the time of my last post, I had just moved into this home located in south Minneapolis.  I believe that at that time, my housemates were still convinced that they would retain primary control over the household and its activities.  That was a quite a foolish proposition indeed.  Rather, it is I, the resident greyhound, that is the primary focus of the home's social order, and I generally call most of the shots.

As an example, my housemates initially provided me with a smallish square of fabric coated foam, which they claimed was suitable for use as a "bed."  Well, that was clearly a lie, because they continued to sleep in a much larger queen sized bed.  I quickly deduced their deception, and have claimed their bed as my own.  And frankly, I am just not that concerned that the bed is approximately 5 feet wide, and that I utilize about 3 feet of it when lying comfortably.  In terms of actual use, I sleep on the bed for the majority of the day; therefore, it seems presumptuous of my housemates to complain when really, they are infringing on my territory.

Anyways, when I am not engaged in the aforementioned struggle over sleeping real estate, I spend the majority of my time charming my housemates' friends, family, and acquaintances.  I don't think it's a coincidence that most people come bearing gifts for me rather than the two humans - after all, they already have this jumble of furniture and other possessions, and frankly, the single rope/ball was not adequate.  I am routinely invited to people's houses for purposes of meeting their dogs, and last week, I overheard Kate (that's the female) saying that I couldn't have a facebook page because I'd quickly gather more friends than Aaron and Kate combined.  Well, my response was that it's not my fault if I'm more popular than the two of you.

When I'm not sleeping or making friends, I spend my days watching TV, listening to the radio, and running outside.  Although, I must say, the size of the outdoor recreation area is a bit small for my needs.  As a retired athlete, I am used to actually being able to run to top speed, rather than the constant cycle of accelerate/brake that I am forced to do thanks to the size of my space.  Luckily for me, I am taking a holiday starting today in Apple Valley, where (I am told), there will be a much more suitable area for sprinting.

There is still the matter of the feline (ugh).  He is just not polite.  It's not surprising that I get most of the attention.

Despite these minor quibbles, I believe things are going well.  I am enjoying myself, and I think the two humans are also enjoying themselves.  My favourite thing to do is to go walking with one or the other, although it is usually Aaron who goes along.  The other dogs in the neighborhood are jealous of my pimped out collar with the light up ball. 

Until next time,


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